Flipper Zero Protoboard with LEDs by Rabbit-Labs™


#### Need a protoboard for your Flipper Zero?

#### Want a protoboard with a clean, simple design?

#### Want one with power LEDs pre-soldered? Look no further!

This Protoboard built by TehRabbitt of Rabbit-Labs has two pre-soldered SMT LEDs indicating the availability of both 3.3v and 5v.

There are two options & two different sizes: one with both the 8 and 10 pin headers pre-soldered and one without. There is the standard size (black protoboard) and the medium size (purple board). Please make sure to choose the option you'd like when ordering!


Headers included (not soldered), Standard, Headers included (not soldered), Medium, Headers included (soldered), Standard, Headers included (soldered), Medium, No Headers included, Standard, No Headers included, Medium

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