ESP Flasher Rev6 – USB Type-C and CH340
A CH340 3.3V USBToUART converter support 1000mA+ current. Program ESP8266/ESP32 module just like NodeMCU. It has smaller size than rev2 and we make it breadboard friendly. You can also use the flasher to programming ESP32 without pushing flash button.
ESP Flasher Rev6 – USB Type-C and CH340
What’s it
A CH340 3.3V USBToUART converter support 1000mA+ current. Program ESP8266/ESP32 module just like NodeMCU. It has smaller size than rev2 and we make it breadboard friendly. You can also use the flasher to programming ESP32 without pushing flash button.
Why did you make it?
The converter supports 400mA+ current. It’s good for programming ESP8266 and ESP32 module
For program with Arduino IDE, the circuit does the trick for auto reset.
ESP8266 and ESP32 supported
Breadboard friendly
A Reset button and a flash button
No need press reset button when programming esp8266 / esp32 with Arduino IDE
Operating voltage: 3.3V
System support: Windows 98SE/2000/XP/Vista/Window7/Windows 10/Mac OS/Mac OS X/Linux 2.40
Output current: 400mA+ (a MIC5219 LDO)
For programming other ESP8266 modules such as ESP-12 or ESP-07, wire the pins like these:
For ESP8266
For ESP32
Please refer the wiki for more information